

  • Luggage drop allows you to store tourist luggage and charge a fee. Customers will find you online or when passing your location. You collect and keep the customer payment and decide all pricing options.

  • Luggage drop is useful for visitors to your town or city who are waiting to check in to a hotel or Air bnb and don't want to drag their luggage about with them. Similarly, visitors who are leaving that day, may have a long period from leaving their accommodation till they actually leave.

  • You can store any items you wish. Customer terms state you can accept, luggage, bags, rucksacks, prams or even bicycles, if you have the space. 

  • Not at all. Offering bicycle storage policy is off by default when you join. If you want to offer the service, then simply switch the policy on. When on, your Luggage Drop listing will show customers that you will accept bicycles.

  • You have full control over your own location. You can open and close your location via the application. If marked as closed, your website listing will show this to customers.

  • Luggage drop customers can be from anywhere. Anyone visiting your town or city are potential users.

  • Any business can join Luggage Drop. Members with a good location, be it a city or town centre or close to a bus or train station, usually do well.

  • Luggage Drop currently supports 15 languages. The available languages are the same 15 available for this website.

  • Yes you can. All receipt options have the ability to provide customer receipts in any of the 15 available languages on a customer by customer basis. If you don't select a different langauge, the receipt shall be given in your application selected default language.

  • Luggage Drop will add the correct currency symbol automatically based on your country.

  • Luggage drop is FREE to join, with 25 FREE Booking Credits to get you started. We want to make sure Luggage Drop is for you, before you need to pay.

  • Booking credits are used each time a booking is made. One piece of luggage per booking period counts as one credit.

  • The cost of booking credits vary from country to country. The unit cost decreases with a higher  amount of credits purchased in a block. The cost of the blocks can easily be seen by selecting a block within the in app purchase section. The cost shall be shown before you are asked to complete the purchase.

  • Customer receipts are given in one of 3 ways. Our default and preferred option is printed from your on site point of sale printer (POS). If you don't have a POS printer, then you can switch this feature off and use either Email or Photo receipt options.

  • Using a POS printer is so much easier and more professional. 

  • No, you can start using Luggage Drop as soon as you have entered your site details. You are given 25 FREE booking credits.

  • Booking credits can be purchased directly via the application as an in-app purchase or from your administration console, once logged into your account.

  • Free promotional posters in 4 sizes and 2 orientations are available for ever language. These are available in your administation console to download and print.

  • You can login at Member login from this website, using your application login details (username & password).

  • Members area has all your history,  faq's and other assistance. You can also access free advertising materials and have full control over setting in your application (app).

  • The QR codes on customer receipts lets you quickly scan, via the application, to locate luggage and to mark as collected on your Luggage Drop bookings history. This is more secure in many respects.

  • You can change ALL the policies to whatever you require.

  • Luggage Drop has a range of security features which you can decide to use, or not.

  • If you use the point of sale (POS) receipts, these shall also be printed with the customer receipt (one per bag).

  • If you want to use security seals, then the choice is yours.

  • The answer is actually, YOU DO. The application has been fully developed and hosted by Tourist Customer Services Ltd, a UK based company.

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